Knesset Israel is, first and foremost, a beit tefilla, a house of prayer. The services, participatory and welcoming, are usually lay-led. Knesset Israel prides itself on offering many opportunities for members of the community to further their skills as shlihei tzibbur-leaders of prayer-through the classes, guidance and vocal coaching of Knesset Israel's Goldblum Tefilla Institute. Adults and teenagers of all genders participate equally in the process of learning and leading services.
Service Schedule & Description
Knesset Israel's weekday services take place on Sunday mornings and Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The service is egalitarian, counting adults and teens of all genders in the minyan, and offers opportunities for many different people to lead the service. Please contact the synagogue office a week in advance of a yahrzeit so that we can work together on ensuring the presence of a minyan.
Sunday - 8:45 a.m - in person
Tuesday & Thursday - 7:00 p.m. on Zoom
Shabbat services at Knesset Israel are a highlight of the week. Services in a variety of styles - traditional a capella, acoustic, Shirei Shabbat accompanied by the KI Band - welcome shabbat most Friday nights at 5:45 p.m. We typically serve a communal kosher shabbat dinner once a month. Consult our calendar for details.
The shabbat morning service, which starts at 9:30 a.m., features strong lay leadership, congregational singing and Torah study facilitated by our rabbi. A kiddush reception, and sometimes a luncheon, follows the service around noon. During the school year, Hebrew School classes, including Junior Congregation, take place on shabbat morning, making our synagogue a dynamic, exciting place to participate in Jewish life every shabbat.
Friday - 5:45 p.m. - in-person and livestream (no livestream when the service is ba'ohel, May-August).
Saturday - 9:30 a.m. - in-person and livestream
The Jewish year provides ample opportunity for celebration. Visitors to the Berkshires join year-round residents for festive holiday experiences on Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot. Dancing fills the congregation's social hall on the eve of Simhat Torah, and our annual Purim party and Megillah reading are not to be missed.
Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
Traditions run deep at KI during the Days of Compassion and Forgiveness. Participants in person or on livestream will enjoy enthusiastic singing, teaching by the Rabbi and lay leaders, a strong connection with the past and a hopeful message of renewal for the future. Seats are available for members and guests, with advance registration required.
For service times, please consult the calendar.
Mon, February 17 2025
19 Shevat 5785
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