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SOCIAL ACTION & Volunteering

Lifelong member Susan Staskin exemplifies the volunteer culture at Knesset Israel. (Video courtesy of Berkshire Interfaith Organizing, 2022).



Knesset Israel partners with local organizations throughout the year to provide direct support to neighbors in need. Members pack and deliver boxes for the South Church Food Pantry, a ministry of which KI is a partner, collect for the Department of Children and Families' annual Adopt-a-family program, and give and volunteer in support of Thanksgiving Angels and the Pittsfield Area Council of Congregations Fuel Fund. KI members are also involved with Berkshire Bounty, Kids 4 Harmony, the Elizabeth Freeman Center, the Christian Center, and the Berkshire Literacy Network. Contact the office for information about how to get involved.

Knesset Israel also offers many meaningful opportunities for volunteers to participate in community life at the synagogue. Whether your interest is in worship, Torah reading, preparing food for the congregation, maintaining the cemetery, offering pastoral support, lay leadership or office support, please be in touch, and we will welcome your participation.

Possibilities include:

  • Planning educational, social and cultural programming
  • Learning to lead services
  • Visiting the sick, homebound or elderly
  • Learning to read Torah or Haftara
  • Participating hands-on in the hevra kadisha, shemira or cemetery committee
  • Helping prepare Shirei Shabbat Friday night dinners
  • Support of students in Hebrew School
  • Helping prepare kiddush or lunch & learn programs
  • Assisting with mailings and office tasks

Simply contact us here to get started.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784