KI Committees
KI Committees
Membership & Welcoming - Jilly Lederman & Elisa Snowise
Greeters, welcoming, integration of new members, social programming
Wildman Lecture Series - Stuart Masters
Chooses speakers and topics for this annual shabbaton
K.I. Cares—Jill Wollins
Offers meals and other support for congregants in need of support due to lifecycle or health challenges
Development - Bobbi Cohn
Plans summer events to build relationships and strengthen the congregation
Families Together—Marcie Greenfield Simons
Sets the tone and oversees Hebrew School, family and youth programming
Social Action/Social Justice - Nancy Cook
Create and manage social action and social justice projects, including KI's partnership with the South Church Food Pantry.
Music - Phil Coleman
Musical services and concerts throughout the year
Baking & Hamantashen - Cindy Helitzer & Susan Gordon
An enormous Purim fundraiser, plus challah baking for Shabbat events at KI
Finance & Budget—Edwin Helitzer, Jonathan Denmark, Gary Schiff and Laura Rosenthal
Sets and monitors the annual budget and the congregation's investment policies
Service Assignment—Alan Metzger
Pairs congregants to Torah readings and service leadership
Adult Education - Sheila Goldlust
Intellectual growth and social engagement for adults in the congregation
Hevra Kadisha — Margie and Alan Metzger
Prepares bodies for burial, according to Jewish law and traditions
Shomrim — Alexandra Warshaw and Joan Grossman
Sit alongside congregants between death and burial, as is traditional
Cemetery — David Pill
Maintain the congregation's cemetery and attend to the responsibilities of burial
Rosh Hodesh — Maxine Bookless and Jan Zimbler
Build community among women in the congregation through monthly meetings and programs
Security - Lew Schiller
Develop and maintain the synagogue's security plans and practices
Kol KI - Nan Bookless
Publication of Knesset Israel's bulletin, sent 10x/year
Strategic Planning (2022-23) - Everett Lamm, Richie Simons, Eve Edwards
Data gathering, long-term planning, thoughtful changes
Library - Louise Penney
Acquisitions, cataloging, circulation
Helping Knesset Israel reach out to prospective members and the wider community
Thu, January 23 2025
23 Tevet 5785
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